Pronoun Reversal in Autism Decoded: Break Free from Language Barriers

Anna / May 30, 2024

Pronoun reversal in Autism is more than a language puzzle; it’s a window into the unique challenges autistic children face in language development. Discover practical strategies and insights to support your child’s communication journey in our latest blog post. Pronoun reversal is a common phenomenon observed in children on the Autism Spectrum. They might use “you” instead of “I” or…

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The Ultimate Guide to Autism: 4 Theories That Change Everything

autism theories
Anna / May 24, 2024

Raising and teaching autistic children can be a unique journey filled with both challenges and rewards. Understanding autism from different perspectives can make this journey smoother and more fulfilling. By learning about various theories that explain autism, parents, carers, and teachers can find effective ways to support and nurture autistic children. This knowledge can help create an environment where these…

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Autism Wars: The Struggle for Unity Between Autism and Autistic Voices

autism wars
Anna / May 21, 2024

Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the complex landscape of autism and the vibrant communities it encompasses. Today, we’re tackling a sensitive and crucial topic: the “Autism Wars.” Within the autism community, there’s a profound divide between those who view autism as a medical condition in need of treatment and cure and those who embrace it as a…

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