
Breaking Down Barriers: How Social Stories Can Help Children with Autism

social stories autism

Learn how social stories can benefit your child with autism!

This blog post provides helpful tips, practical advice, and a sample social story to help your child improve social skills and feel more confident in social situations.

Having worked with autistic children and adults, I understand the challenges you face every day.

One of the most common challenges parents of children with autism face is finding effective interventions to support their child’s development and social understanding.

This is where social stories come in.

Social stories are a valuable tool for supporting children with autism in developing social skills, understanding emotions, and managing behaviour.

As a parent, you play a critical role in creating and implementing social stories for your child.

That’s why I’ve written this blog post – to provide you with advice and guidance on developing compelling social stories for your child.

In this blog post, I’ll explain what social stories are, their importance for children with autism, and the benefits of using them.

I’ll also provide step-by-step guidance on how to create social stories for your child, as well as tips for successful implementation.

My goal is to offer you practical, actionable advice that you can use to support your child’s development and help them thrive.

So, whether you’re a parent new to social stories or an experienced user looking to refine your approach, this blog post will provide the guidance and support you need to help your child succeed.

Let’s get started!

Let’s talk about Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that affects how your child communicates, interacts with others, and behaves.

As a parent of a child with autism, you know all too well the challenges that come with it.

Your little one might struggle with communication, understanding social cues, controlling their emotions, and playing imaginatively.

They might also have specific interests that they’re really into.

But here’s the good news: with the right interventions, your child can learn to manage their symptoms and develop the skills they need to thrive.

That’s why tailoring interventions to your child’s unique strengths, interests, and needs is so important. Every kiddo is different, and what works for one might not work for another.

autism social stories
Photo by Polina Kovaleva on

That’s where social stories come in.

They’re a powerful tool for supporting your child’s social skills, emotional regulation, and behaviour.

And the best part? You can create them yourself, explicitly tailored to your child’s needs.

Using social stories can help your child learn new skills, understand complex social situations, and feel more confident in their interactions with others.

So, as a parent of a child with autism, it’s essential to understand what your child is going through and to find the right interventions to support them.

With a bit of creativity, patience, and guidance, you can help your child reach their full potential and thrive in the world around them.

What are Social Stories?

Let’s dive into social stories!

Social stories are an intervention that can help your child with autism develop their social skills, emotional regulation, and behaviour.

Essentially, they’re stories designed to teach your child about social situations and help them understand what they should do in different scenarios.

The idea behind social stories is that they provide your child with a clear and concise narrative that they can use to guide their behaviour in social situations.

They’re based on the idea that children with autism benefit from explicit, step-by-step instructions on how to behave in different social contexts.

By breaking down social situations into manageable chunks, social stories can help your child feel more confident and competent in their interactions with others.

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Social stories were first developed by Carol Gray in the 1990s.

Since then, they’ve become a widely used intervention for children with autism.

They’re based on the theoretical underpinnings of cognitive-behavioural therapy, which emphasizes the importance of teaching individuals specific skills and strategies to manage their behaviour and emotions.

So, how do social stories work?

They typically follow a specific format, with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

They’re written from the child’s perspective and use simple language and visuals to help your child understand the message.

Providing clear instructions on how to behave in different situations social stories can help your child feel more in control and less anxious in social settings.

Benefits of Social Stories for Autism

Let’s talk about the benefits of social stories for your child with autism.

Social stories can significantly impact your child’s social understanding, emotional regulation, and behaviour.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect to see:

First and foremost, social stories can help improve your child’s social understanding.

Social stories provide clear and explicit instructions for behaviour in different social situations.

They help your child navigate social interactions with more confidence and competence

They can also help your child understand the perspectives and emotions of others, which is a crucial component of social interaction.

Another benefit of social stories is that they can help reduce your child’s anxiety and stress.

For many children with autism, social situations can be overwhelming and anxiety-provoking.

Social stories can help reduce this anxiety by giving your child clear expectations and guidelines for behaving in different situations.

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Social stories can also help improve your child’s communication and language skills.

By using simple language and visuals, social stories can help your child understand and remember critical social skills and concepts.

This, in turn, can help improve your child’s ability to communicate effectively with others.

One of the great things about social stories is that they can also help your child generalize their skills. That means they can apply the skills they learn in social stories to different situations.

This can help your child become more independent and self-confident, which is essential for their overall well-being.

Social stories can be a powerful tool for supporting your child’s social skills, emotional regulation, and behaviour.

By using social stories, you can help your child develop the skills they need to thrive in social situations and life more generally.

How to create Social Stories for Autism?

Creating social stories for your child may seem daunting at first.

However, with guidance and practice, you can create stories tailored to your child’s needs and interests.

Here are some steps to get you started:

First, identify the specific skill or behaviour you want to target with the social story.

This could be anything from brushing your teeth to initiating a conversation with a friend.

Once you have identified the target skill or behaviour, you can start creating a social story to help your child understand and practice that skill.

Next, determine the format of the social story.

Social stories can take many forms, including written stories, videos, or songs.

Think about what format will be most engaging and effective for your child.

Once you have decided on the format, it’s time to write the social story.

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Photo by Judit Peter on

Use simple and clear language, and include visuals or pictures to help illustrate the key points.

Be sure to focus on the positive aspects of the behaviour you want your child to learn and emphasize the benefits of using that behaviour.

After you have written the social story, review and refine it with your child.

Ensure they understand the key points and that the story resonates with them.

You may need to adjust or add details to make the story more effective.

Finally, implement the social story in your child’s daily routines.

Read or watch the social story together regularly, and encourage your child to practice the skills and behaviours highlighted in the story.

Consistent practice and reinforcement can help your child learn and internalize important social skills.

These skills will help them succeed in their interactions with others

Implementing Social Stories for Autism

Implementing social stories successfully can be challenging, but some tips and strategies can be helpful for parents and caregivers of children with autism.

Here are some key tips to keep in mind:

Consistency and repetition are super important!

Ensure you read or watch the story with your child regularly, and encourage them to practice the targeted behaviours as often as possible.

The more you repeat the story, the better your child will understand and remember the concepts and skills.

It’s also crucial to reinforce positive behaviours.

Whenever your child demonstrates the behaviours or skills highlighted in the social story, make sure you praise and reward them.

Positive reinforcement is a great way to motivate your child and help them remember the importance of the targeted behaviours.

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Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Create stories tailored to your child’s specific needs and interests.

This will help ensure that the story resonates with your child and promotes positive behaviour change more effectively.

Be open to making changes to the social stories as your child grows and develops.

What works for them now may not work forever, so be flexible and adaptable.

Collaboration with professionals and caregivers is a great way to get more support and help with social stories.

Work with your child’s teachers, therapists, and caregivers to create and implement effective social stories.

Tailor the stories to your child’s needs for the best results

This collaboration can help ensure that your child receives consistent support and reinforcement across all areas of their life.

To sum it up:

In conclusion, social stories are a powerful tool for helping children with autism.

They improve their social understanding, reduce anxiety and stress, and improve communication and language skills.

They also increase independence and self-confidence.

By tailoring social stories to your child’s specific needs and interests, you can create a powerful tool for promoting positive behaviour change and helping your child succeed.

If you have yet to try social stories with your child, we encourage you to try it!

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Photo by Keira Burton on

Creating and implementing social stories can be a fun and rewarding activity for parents and children alike, and the benefits can be significant.

Be patient and consistent when creating social stories for your child.

Work closely with their teachers, therapists, and caregivers to tailor the stories for maximum effectiveness.

With time and practice, social stories can become essential to your child’s daily routine and a powerful tool for promoting positive behaviour change and success.

And here is an example of a Social Story:

Title: Brushing My Teeth

I must brush my teeth daily to keep them healthy and strong.

When I brush my teeth, I help eliminate the nasty germs that can cause cavities.

First, I get my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it.

I like the minty flavour!

Then, I start brushing my teeth in a circular motion.

I brush each tooth’s front, back, and top for two minutes.

While I brush, I can listen to my favourite song or think about something fun I did that day.

I can even make silly faces in the mirror!

When I’m done brushing, I spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth with water.

Then, I rinse my toothbrush and put it away.

I feel good when I care for my teeth by brushing them daily.

It helps me have a happy, healthy smile!


For lots of generic Social Stories, head to our Youtube channel here!

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