My child was diagnosed with Autism- now what?

child diagnosed with autism
Anna / December 28, 2022

Read about what you can do and what you should know if your child is diagnosed with Autism. In this post, you will learn more about Autism and what you can do after receiving the diagnosis. Find out how you and other professionals can support your child. Your child was diagnosed with autism. It might come as a surprise or…

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Are Learning Disability and Learning Difficulty the same thing?

Learning Disability Difficulty
Anna / December 18, 2022

If you are confused and want to know the difference between Learning Disability and Learning Difficulty, read this post. You will learn that they are not the same, and you will find out the differences. Blogs, videos, Pinterest or Instagram posts are full of information and advice on Special Needs. Never before have we had access to so much advice,…

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7+ reasons being outdoors can help your Autistic child

autistic child outdoors
Anna / November 29, 2022

Autistic children often struggle with many aspects of everyday life. In this post, I will show you over seven benefits of being outdoors and how it can help your autistic child. You will learn how your child can spend outdoors, what activities you can choose for them and why they benefit your Autistic child’s development. We live in a world…

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How being bilingual can help your Autistic child

bilingual autistic
Anna / November 18, 2022

Find out if Autistic children can and should learn languages. Learn what being bilingual does to the brain of the Autistic child. Although English is one of the most popular languages in the world, knowing more languages has excellent advantages. People still learn new languages despite easy access to Google Translate and other apps. Lots of people are bilingual and…

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Is ABA therapy good or bad for Autistic children?

ABA for Autism
Anna / November 10, 2022

In this post, I will help you determine if ABA is good or bad for Autistic children. You will learn about the pros and cons of Applied Behaviour Analysis therapy (ABA). Find out why it is so popular and controversial at the same time and why it has been at the centre of heated debates so often. What is ABA?…

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6 reasons why your child is difficult

reasons why child is difficult
Anna / November 1, 2022

This post features six reasons why your child is difficult. Read about what might hide behind your child being problematic. Learn why your child might be difficult and what to do about it. What is a “difficult” child? Have you been asking yourself why your child is so difficult? All children might have challenging behaviour from time to time, and…

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How to  support your child with Down Syndrome

support child with down syndrome
Anna / October 22, 2022

In this post, I talk about Down syndrome and how you can support and help your child thrive. Read about how you can help them at home and find out what their school can do to best support them. What is Down Syndrome? Down syndrome is a condition where someone has an extra chromosome. Chromosomes are parts of cells where…

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3 Ways to Communicate with your Autistic Child

communicate with autistic child
Anna / October 15, 2022

Read about three ways you can communicate with your Autistic child. These ideas will help you connect with your child, whether nonverbal or high functioning. One of the autistic characteristics or symptoms is problems with communication. Autism is a spectrum, so the extent of this problem may vary. On one side of the spectrum, you may have a completely nonverbal…

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3 Best Supplements for ADHD

supplements for ADHD
Anna / September 25, 2022

Read this post If you wonder how you can help your child with ADHD and what supplements can best help them. Disclaimer: The content of this blog does not provide medical advice and is for informational purposes only. The information provided here should not be used as a substitute for the advice provided by a qualified healthcare professional. The Site may contain links…

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10 things I did to help my child with tics

how to help my child with tics
Anna / September 18, 2022

Read about my son’s experience with tics and how we managed to help him without using doctors and specialists. You can learn here what we did, so he is now happy and relaxed and has no more tics. This is my story about things I did to help my child with tics. Disclaimer: The content of this blog does not…

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