
3 Best Supplements for ADHD

supplements for ADHD

Read this post If you wonder how you can help your child with ADHD and what supplements can best help them.

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ADHD symptoms are often treated with medication. In addition to it, or if you don’t want your child medicated, several natural supplements have been proven to help.

I have come across and read lots of research publications and found the three best supplements for ADHD.

Read this post to find out what they are, why they are suitable for ADHD, and why you may want to try them for your child or even yourself.

In this post, I will first briefly discuss what ADHD is and then reveal my picks for the three best supplements for ADHD.

What is ADHD

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition.

Some parts of the brains of children with ADHD develop differently, causing them difficulties with self-control, attention, focus, mood, and behavioural problems.

Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and have excessive energy, making them unable to sit still, focus and pay attention.

Children with ADHD may often get in trouble at school and at home due to behavioural problems.

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Supplements for ADHD

1. L-Theanine supplement for ADHD

What is L-Theanine?

L-theanine is an amino acid. Amino acids are building blocks of protein.

It naturally occurs in tea: green, black and oolong teas.

It does not contain caffeine.

You may also have heard about Matcha.

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Matcha is a green tea powder, but it is unique because it comes from leaves grown in the shade. Sun is not good for l-theanine levels in tea leaves; it weakens its functions.

It is worth adding that green tea is rich in antioxidants.

Why is L-Theanine good for ADHD?

It is great for attention and focusing.

Very often, a person with ADHD will have problems with executive functions (read my post about executive functions and ADHD here).

One of them is inhibitory control which is the ability of self-control. L-theanine helps with inhibitory control.

The research found that L-theanine has calming effects and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Anxiety plays a big part in ADHD (In this post, I write about Anxiety and ADHD).

L-Theanine helps with anxiety because it helps lower brain chemicals associated with stress and anxiety levels.

More research on L-theanine

In a small study with boys with ADHD aged 8-15, researchers found that L-theanine and caffeine improved attention and focus for these boys.

Another study with 98 boys with ADHD aged 8-12 showed that L-theanine improved their sleep.

Sleep problems are often common for children with ADHD.

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L-theanine is interesting because it boosts dopamine and focus but at the same time is calming.

Children with ADHD often fidget and lack focus because of low dopamine levels.

ADHD medication increases dopamine levels.

L-theanine can do it too, but it is natural and has no known severe side effects. In contrast, ADHD medication carries the risk of side effects.

Additionally, L-theanine boosts the activity of serotonin and GABA.

Both of these chemicals are neurotransmitters. It means they carry messages between neurons (brain cells).

They are both associated with mood. Low levels of serotonin or GABA may cause low mood and anxiety. L-theanine helps them work well.

L-Theanine and brain

L-theanine not only helps with focus and lowering anxiety but also helps with memory and cognitive performance.

Cognitive performance is what your brain does and how it works.

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Tasks like thinking, learning, reasoning, remembering, problem-solving, decision making and attention are some of your brain’s cognitive functions. L-theanine helps with them.

Sources of L-Theanine

As I mentioned, L-theanine is present in tea and supplements. You can also try mixing Matcha powder into your child’s smoothie or milkshake.

Be cautious

It is crucial that you do your research and be cautious.

Although L-theanine is natural and has no severe side effects, it is always good to speak to your doctor.

Sometimes taking supplements may not be for everyone or interfere with other medication.

For example, you shouldn’t take L-theanine with medicines for high blood pressure or sedatives for depression.

2. Omega3 Supplements for ADHD

What is Omega3?

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that support proper brain functioning and development.

Some studies showed that people with ADHD have very low levels or lack Omega 3.

When researchers examined their blood, they found lower levels of Omega3 than in other people of the same age.

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Scientists think it might be partly because of our modern diet full of processed foods.

Omega3 fatty acids are naturally present in fish and some seafood.

Why is Omega3 good for ADHD?

Omega3 is crucial for brain development.

If a child hasn’t got enough of them, it might affect how their central nervous system develops.

It is essential for those with ADHD because this is the time the ADHD starts appearing.

One study showed that when taking the Omega3 supplement, the dosage of the ADHD stimulant medication could be reduced.

Stimulant medications for ADHD help with the symptoms but not the cause.

They are only effective for a couple of hours and may cause side effects.

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Omega3 doesn’t have any severe side effects and is relatively safe. And they are present in the food we eat (fish), so the risk of side effects is low.

Omega3 help with neurotransmission- carrying messages between neurons (brain cells).

More research

Some studies showed that lack or low levels of Omega3 contribute to psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Other studies identified links between low Omega3 levels, antisocial behaviours, and increased hostility in adolescents.

Omega3 helps with some symptoms of ADHD and also are generally good for brain health and functioning. Some studies showed that it allows children and teenagers to do better in school.

Omega3 fatty acids are also great for regulating mood and for good sleep. Both of them are often problematic for children with ADHD.

Omega3 help with good executive functioning. They improve attention and working memory. They also help with auditory and visual processing- organising and coordinating information our brain receives, hearing and seeing.

Sources of Omega3

Omega3 fatty acids are present in fish, seafood and supplements

But they also can be found in walnuts and flaxseeds. You can easily mix them into your child’s cereal, porridge or yoghurt.

Be cautious

As always, do your research, and ensure Omega3 won’t interact with other medications.

Speak to your doctor if in doubt.

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Otherwise, your children (those without ADHD too), you and other family members can benefit from Omega3 supplements if your diet is not rich in fish.

3. Magnesium supplement for ADHD

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral and is the fourth most abundant one in our bodies.

It is essential for good health. Hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body require magnesium.

Similar to the Omega3 issue, our modern diet is often low in magnesium.

We eat lots of processed foods that are not nutritious enough.

Additionally, refined sugars, soft drinks, and caffeine drain magnesium levels in our bodies.

Why is Magnesium good for ADHD?

Similarly to L-theanine and Omega3, magnesium helps with neurotransmission, which is the brain cells’ communication process.

It also helps to calm the central nervous system and helps in making serotonin.

You read above that serotonin helps to regulate mood.

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Some studies showed magnesium deficiency caused reduced attention span, aggression, and lack of concentration. All of them are so common for children with ADHD.

In fact, scientists found that children with ADHD have low levels of magnesium.

One study found that up to 95% of people with ADHD have a magnesium deficiency.

Some of them think that it might be because their ADHD is interfering with good eating habits and getting enough nutrition.

Children with ADHD might be stubborn and may lack attention to sit through a proper, nutritious meal.

Also, ADHD medication is an appetite suppressant, so they might not be that hungry if they are on it.

They won’t get enough nutrition and enough magnesium in their diet.

Not enough magnesium will make them irritated and nervous and affect their mood.

Some studies showed that magnesium deficiency was linked to inattention, mental retardation, speech problem, lower IQ and low academic achievement.

Other studies showed that magnesium supplements decreased physical aggression and improved social responsiveness.

Similar to Omega3 and L-theanine, magnesium helps regulate dopamine and serotonin levels and supports calming actions of GABA (mood neurotransmitter).

Sources of magnesium

Magnesium is present not only in supplements. Other sources of magnesium are bananas, beans, avocados, leafy greens or dark chocolate.

Supplements for ADHD
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It is essential to add that vitamin B6 helps with magnesium absorption, so it might be wise to take them both together or find a supplement that contains them both.

Be cautious

As usual, talk to your healthcare professional and do your research before giving any supplements to your child.

I hope you can see clearly the benefits L-theanine, Omega3 and magnesium may have for a child with ADHD. 

They are safe for the whole family to use and have great benefits. You may try getting supplements or incorporating l-theanine, omega3 and magnesium-rich foods into your diet.

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Let me know what other supplements are suitable for children with ADHD.

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